Now with Bootstrap!

Middle Tier

Familiar with LINQ, MVVM, Razor syntax. Very experienced with Web Services and WCF.
Term Rate APR
30 Year Fixed 4% 4.304%
15 Year Fixed 4.25% 4.196%
5-Year ARM 2.99% 3.106%
Demonstration of LINQ to XML
via ViewModel to @rateGrid.getHtml
public class RateViewModel {
  public RateObj RateObj { get; set; }
  public IEnumerable‹RateObj>
  rateList =
    from r in XDocument.Load(@"~\Content\rates.xml").Root.Elements("rate")
    select new RateObj()
        Term = (string)r.Element("Term")
      , Rate = (double)r.Element("Rate")
      , APR  = (double)r.Element("APR")
LINQ to XML in ViewModel code snippet